On Friday 23 August 2024, our company, FASTRA, s.r.o. held the 23rd annual traditional corporate FASTRA Cup, once again in collaboration with the Golf & Country Club Svobodné Hamry. The event was organised by Managing Director Miroslav Stehlík together with his associate Pavel Holý and with the support of the FASTRA team. Like every year, the event was mainly about having fun, enjoying some good food, fine wine and a packed programme of accompanying activities.

The weather was fine all day and the turnout was high, including many guests from abroad.

The presentation of technological innovations made this year's event particularly interesting. FASTRA has introduced a new range of balloon closures, new ballooning sockets and plate closures with anti-static certification. The "bigger" innovations include the extended range of high-pressure line-stopping devices (DN100-DN350). One completely new product was our mechanical device for permanently closing water pipes.

Entertainment was provided by ZEHA studio, s.r.o. Guests were able to enjoy a relaxing massage or stretch their muscles under the guidance of an experienced physiotherapist. A touch of variety was added to the programme by singer, director, instrumentalist, teacher, lyricist and composer Petr Opava. The tasting of Moravian wines from the Mikrosvín Winery in Mikulov, led by Ivo Kaňovský, was also a great success. And it goes without saying there was plenty of good food. We served up a piglet on a spit as well as grilled delicacies prepared by FASTRA employees, just like every year. 

The FASTRA Cup is of course a golf tournament. As usual, our guests had the chance to try out the golf academy or take part in a golf tournament. This year, two winners - father and son, Lumír and Marek Vágner, took the travelling cup again. 

The band Rosa from Čáslav provided a great atmosphere and entertainment at the end of the day. Radka Radilová, accompanied by talented musicians Aleš Chudomel and Rudolf Soukup, graced their performance with her beautiful vocals.

To round off, we’d like to stress that we organise the FASTRA Cup primarily as a way of thanking our business partners for their trust and cooperation. It’s an opportunity for us to show our appreciation for their support and spend a fun-packed day with them. We greatly appreciate that many of them travelled a long way to be with us for this get-together. We’re looking forward to further joint projects and to meeting you at the next FASTRA Cup.

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